Lucy & James

November 11, 2023 • Brooklyn, NY

Lucy & James

November 11, 2023 • Brooklyn, NY

Tips & FAQs

Getting to New York

As familiar as it is for some, we know travel to New York can be a hassle no matter how often you do it. We really appreciate you making the trip!

...By Air...

Brooklyn is conveniently located on the same side of the river as both LaGuardia and Kennedy airports (LGA is slightly closer to both Brooklyn Heights and lower Manhattan), and Newark is also a viable option. If you fly, we recommend taking a yellow cab or Uber from the airport to your hotel, which will likely run about $60-$70.

...By Car...

If traveling via auto, please be aware that street parking can be hard to find, but most hotels in the area have parking garages. If you plan on driving to the ceremony or reception, there is a parking garage in Brooklyn Heights on Henry St between Pineapple St and Orange St.

Getting Around New York & to Brooklyn

Brooklyn Heights is very easily accessible by multiple subway lines (the A/C at High St, the 2/3 at Clark St, or the 4/5 or R at Borough Hall/Court St). It's also a quick cab or Uber ride over the Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattan or from elsewhere in Brooklyn.